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The Be REAL Initiative

Be a Responsible, Engaged, Appropriate Learner.

The goal of the Be REAL initiative is to assist Fenton Community High School in becoming an even better academic learning environment for students and staff.

Through Be REAL we aspire to:

  • Actively teach students the expectations for their behavior.
  • Create a positive school culture for the entire Fenton family.
  • Increase positive behavior and interactions between our students and staff.
  • Increase on-task time for students and decrease teaching time lost to managing behavior.
  • Decrease time lost due to suspensions and expulsions.

The ultimate goal of the Be REAL initiative is to increase academic performance and the graduation rate of the entire Fenton student body.

Click to view the Be REAL Behavior Expectation Matrix

The Be REAL initiative utilizes an acknowledgement system to reward students who demonstrate appropriate behavior and make good choices. Students collect stamps in their Fenton student planner which can be redeemed for a chance to win raffle prizes during monthly redemption days.