Art Links Every Artist Should Visit (link is external) - Art babble is a site full of art themes, media, periods/styles, cultures, artists and basically anything that has to do with art. (link is external) - The National Art Education Association (NAEA) is a nonprofit professional association of art teachers and other people dedicated to the advancement of art in education and national life. The NAEA espouses the view that education through art is the means by which individuals realize their creative powers and that the promotion of aesthetic growth is the principal means by which quality art instruction is realized. (link is external) - The 2nd largest art museum is right in your own backyard= Art Institute of Chicago! Admission to the Art Institute of Chicago is free to Illinois residents every Thursday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. (link is external) - Illinois is a prosperous and diverse state with a number of respected schools (both large and small). Check out this site for more information on art schools/programs in IL. (link is external) - This site will lead you through artists, styles, philosophies, advocacy, quotes and a multitude of media. (link is external) - The Bensenville Arts Council is an intergovermental agency that provides a variety of arts experiences to residents of all ages, including here at Fenton High School. (link is external) - If you are thinking of pursuing a career in art, check out this link which will provide information on specific jobs, training and education requirements, salaries, schools and much more. Find the right art career for you.
Jobs in art and design are projected to increase 11% from 2002-2012. Popular majors include industrial design, art education, art history, and graphic design, sculpture, and fashion design. Jobs are also available in museums and galleries, in schools, in fast-paced design and advertising firms, and more.
Employment opportunities are expected to grow especially in the area of multimedia (including video producers, animators, and video game designers). (link is external) - The College of DuPage is know in the nation as one of the top community colleges. They have articulation agreements with a number of 4 year schools, which means you may begin your coursework at COD and smoothly transfer into a four year college without missing a beat at half the cost. Click on the link to check out their art department and the many resources they can offer you. (link is external) - The DuPage Art League is located in downtown Wheaton and offers a number of courses and workshops in just about any medium you can think of. (link is external) - The Elmhurst Art Museum is located in downtown Elmhurst and has a host of artistic resources for any age: classes, one day workshops, evening artist programs, and exhibits. (link is external) - The Evanston Arts Center is located in downtown Evanston and offers a multitude of 2D and 3D courses and workshops. (link is external) - The Fine Line Creative Arts Center is located in rural St. Charles and also offesr a multitude of 2D and 3D courses and workshops. (link is external) - Illinois Art Education Association-IAEA is a professional organization for art educators, individuals and groups who wish to support art education in Illinois. Founded in 1935, IAEA promotes quality art education for children and adults. (link is external) - On this site you will be able to locate hundreds of thousands of artworks grouped by artist, style, medium, time period, etc. (link is external) - Salt Creek Pottery is located in downtown Elmhurst and offers a number of courses and workshops in pottery, jewelry, silver clay and fused glass.